Dr. Xiwei Bai

Research inetrests: visual-inertial navigation system; visual-aided GNSS positioning; sensor fusion; autonomous driving

About Me

Dr. Xiwei Bai (Member, IEEE) received her Ph.D. degree in the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in 2023. Currently, she works as a postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr. Bai is a member of IEEE, and she serves as a reviewer in professional journals and conferences related to her research topics. Her research interests include visual-inertial navigation systems and visual-aided GNSS positioning for autonomous vehicles in urban canyons.

Hoping our research will make things better for people, businesses, and society as a whole.

Representative Journal Publications

  1. Bai, X., Hsu, L. T, (2024). GNSS/Visual/IMU/Map Integration Via Sliding Window Factor Graph Optimization for Intelligent Vehicles Positioning in Urban Areas. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
  2. Hsu, L. T., Huang, F., Ng, H. F., Zhang, G., Zhong, Y., Bai, X., & Wen, W. (2023). Hong Kong UrbanNav: An Open-Source Multisensory Dataset for Benchmarking Urban Navigation Algorithms. NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 70(4). (IF: 2.472, Q2) (Open-source large scale dataset for urban navigation of autonomous driving)
  3. Wen, W., Bai, X., & Hsu, L. T. (2023). 3D Vision Aided GNSS Real-Time Kinematic Positioning for Autonomous Systems in Urban Canyons. NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 70(3).
  4. Bai, X., Wen, W. and Hsu, L.T., 2022. Time-correlated Window Carrier-phase Aided GNSS Positioning in Urban Canyons, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
  5. Bai, X., Wen, W. and Hsu, L.T., 2021. Degeneration-Aware Outlier Mitigation for Visual Inertial Integrated Navigation System in Urban Canyons. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, pp.1-15.
  6. Bai, X., Wen, W. and Hsu, L.T., 2020. Robust visual-inertial integrated navigation system aided by online sensor model adaption for autonomous ground vehicles in urban areas. Remote Sensing, 12(10), p.1686.
  7. Bai, X., Wen, W. and Hsu, L.T., 2020. Using Sky-pointing fish-eye camera and LiDAR to aid GNSS single-point positioning in urban canyons. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 14(8), pp.908-914.